Your comments will be collated and submitted as part of the planning application, with personal details redacted for your privacy.
The planning application will be submitted as a “Hybrid”; a mix of detailed and outline approval. Specifically, we will seek approval for the principle of the development including the detail of the access and junction off Finnington Lane, engineering and site preparation and ecology mitigation measures and landscaping around the location for the future buildings.
The proposed buildings will be submitted in “outline”. This means only details of parameters of the possible height, scale and footprint of each building will be submitted for agreement alongside illustrations of what the buildings may look like, but the detail itself will be for a future “Reserved Matters” application which will be made, should planning permission be granted for the principle through the Hybrid application.
A separate planning application will be made for the ecological mitigation measures proposed at Black Moss Farm.
The planning application will be supported by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) covering a wide range of environmental matters and related evidence. The EIA will be presented as an Environmental Statement (ES) produced in accordance with the EIA Regulations to identify the potential for any significant environmental effects and where necessary outline appropriate mitigation measures to address these.
An EIA Scoping Opinion was provided by Chorley Council in November 2022 and the ES currently being prepared will be based on this, considering the following environmental topics:
A Non-Technical Summary (NTS) of the ES will also be submitted as part of the planning application.
All members of the public are able to comment on the planning application once made to Chorley Council. We will update this website once the application is made and provide a link to the application documents.